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Jun 29, 2019

Sam Knight of District Sentinel joins 49th Parahell for the second time to break down this week's two democratic debates as well as Nancy Pelosi setting a new high water mark in a long career of pathetic capitulations to the GOP.

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Jun 21, 2019

I go over the brain-melting concentration camp discourse that took place this week and talk about why debating conservatives is a useless endeavour, then Emma Jackson joins me to talk about the Green New Deal, the Trans Mountain Pipeline, the highly similar liberal/conservative approaches to climate policy, the future...

Jun 8, 2019

It's a solo episode! I go over the way conservative pundits bent over backwards to not discuss the actual substance of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the get into the whole Steven Crowder Vox Adpocalypse thing. I also take questions from Patreon subscribers...